Bystrzyca Kłodzka is a place that often appears in different film productions and documentaries, not only because of its charming views that extend to the horizon but also its natural, historical and cultural wealth. It is here that scenes were filmed for the following: the cult TV series ‘Czterej pancerni i pies’ (Four tankmen and a dog); ‘Nowy Jork, czwarta rano’ (New York at four in the morning); ‘Pierwszy dzień Wolności’ (The First Day of Freedom); ‘Stacja‘ (Station); ‘Boża Podszewka II’ (God Lining II);‘Sezon na leszcza’ (The season for bream); and ‘Nikt nie woła‘ (Nobody’s calling) directed by Kazimierz Kutz. The 55th anniversary of its founding was celebrated in 2015 and for the occasion the Municipal Community Cultural Centre held a gala attended by the director and residents of Bystrzyca, who participated in the film as extras. The ceremony was carried out by the youth of Bystrzycka from the local secondary comprehensive school complex in the framework of the project entitled ‘Kadrowanie Pamięci’ (Memory Framing).

The Crystal Avenue of Stars (Pol: Kryształowa Aleja Gwiazd), located in the city park along the ramparts at ul. Wojska Polskiego, was also created in 2015 on the initiative of the artist-sculptor Konrad Tomaszewski. A series of carvings from plastic imitation crystal glass perfectly reproduced the faces of well-known figures of Polish cinema. Indeed, Kazimierz Kutz was the first face of the Crystal Avenue of Stars. Currently the group includes, among others, Krzysztof Zanussi, Jerzy Hoffman, Janusz Majewski, Grazyna Wolszczak and Robert Gonera.
Recent productions include ‘Za niebieskimi drzwiami’ (Behind the blue door) directed by Mariusz Paleja, and ‘Pokot’ directed by Agnieszka Holland. Bystrzyca’s landscapes are also evident in the music videos for the songs ‘Dom’(Home) by Artur Chamski and ‘Rocznik 89’ (Vintage 89) by CENTRALA 57, a pop-rock band.